Models at Christ Church

Schicks model made for the Vienna World Fair 1873

This model is a masterpiece, where parts can be lifted away, then showing the interested observer what is hidden underneath, as water cisterns, channels and tunnels. The model reflect Schick’s great knowledge and his good reputation that made it possible to measure the hill and make this model. No doubt someone called him Jerusalem’s Leonardo da Vinci.

This model was exhibited with another model in the Turkish pavilion at the Vienna World Fair 1873 and later sold by his agent, Rev. J.H. Brühl, to the Chrischona Mission House outside Basel, Switzerland, as we are informed in letters from Schick to Wilson, written between June 16, 1873 and April 23 1874 (PEF Archives, Schick 7, 9-11).

This beautiful model has 2012 been moved to Christ Church in Jerusalem and can now be seen there. Enter the gate and ask for there Heritage Centre!

There are also a number of smaller models at Christ Church, one of them shows the Holy Sepulchre and was made right after the Crimean War. The conflict between Russia and Turkey with France and G Britain on the other side partly had it’s roots about the Holy places in Bethlehem and Jerusalem. By his model the restoration was able to continue after the war.

Model of the Temple at Christ Church

2 Responses to “Models at Christ Church”

  1. חלק טוב: Helek Tov Says:

    […] Girl school inside Damascus Gate At Christ Church At Bijbelsmuseum Amsterdam On the […]

  2. Says:

    The model’s underground structure of the Haram should be documented and made public. Schick was the only person the Ottomans allowed to do a proper survey of the Haram’s below ground structure.

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